Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Have we drifted too far?

Often, in both the setting of ministry and my personal walk with God, I have needed to stop and ask if I am still on track and in-line with the heart of God and the message He wants me to proclaim. Oh, how exciting it is to go and tell the world that Jesus that loves them. Be it from a pulpit, filling a program for two minutes, running a youth project or just speaking to someone casually, seeing hearts light up because they come to learn that there is a God who loves them is really amazing. But God allows certain periods on the journey when rest needs to be taken. At those moments I often wonder and echo the words of the crowd in John 6:28 "What must we do to do the works God requires?". And our Lord responds: “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”. The journey is marked with different seasons, milestones, sufferings, remarkable moments, life-altering experiences and decisions. But one thing remains, God's Word. Have we drifted too far and gotten so caught up in events, programs, agendas, line-ups and church? To do what God requires we need to come back to the Rock of our salvation. Jesus, the One the Father has sent. He died as an eternal sacrifice. Once. Forever. And through Him we have eternal life and a present purpose.